Unique Creativity And The Art of Paying Attention

Unique Creativity And The Art of Paying Attention

The art of paying attention. You can get unique idea about creativity. This article based on journalist Wendy MacNaughton’s Speech. All right, here’s where I’m going to take a risk. I’m going to say think a seminar Room. 

That every single person in that room used to sketch as a child. You could have been sketching when you were approximately four or five years old, when a grown-up walked up and said, “What’s that?” “It’s a face,” you said. “That’s not what a face looks like,” they said. 

“This is what a face looks like.” They then proceeded to draw this. We have a circle, two almonds for eyes, an upside-down seven scenario, and finally a curving line. What’s more, guess what? This isn’t so much a face as it is a symbol. 

It’s a kind of visual shorthand, and it’s how we see so much of our environment nowadays. Related Article – Why Do We Have Dreams? Amazing Health Benefits Sleeping With Science.

Because our brains can’t digest all of the information that comes at us all of the time, we fill in the gaps with patterns. We see a lot of what we expect to see. I’m going to teach you a quick way to retrain your brain to look. Have you all received an envelope with the words “do not open” written on it? It’s time to open the mail, so grab it. 

A pencil and a piece of paper should be supplied. Please turn to someone next to you after you’ve finished that. Someone you don’t know is ideal. This is what we’re doing, people. This is what we’re doing. Great. Is it true that everyone has found a partner? Now turn around and face me.

You’re going to sketch each other, but don’t worry, this isn’t about drawing well; that’s not what we’re doing here; we’re looking, and that’s all we’re doing here. Don’t worry, I promise everyone will be bad. You’ll sketch each other using only two simple guidelines. 

For starters, you’ll never lift your pencil off the paper. There is only one line. No, believe me on this one. Because this is about gazing, never lift the pencil from one continuous line. So keep your gaze fixed on the person you’re sketching. Place your pencil in the centre of the page now. Look your companion in the eyes.

Unique Creativity And The Art of Paying Attention

Examine one of their eyeballs from the inside. It doesn’t matter which one you select. That’ll be your starting point. Ready? Take a deep breath. And so it begins. Now, just sketch, but take note of where you are; you’re starting there, and you notice a corner, or even a curve. Take note of the eyelashes’ fine wrinkles. 

Work with the fact that some people are wearing masks and others aren’t. Now just take it easy. Pay attention to what you observe and sketch what you see. Also, avoid looking down. Just keep moving forward. And there’s just five seconds left. Finally, come to a halt. 

Look down at your lovely sketches. Show off your partner’s stunning portrait. Isn’t it fantastic? I’m interested in seeing them. Keep them in place.  Read – How to your brain invents mind “Self”- Professor Anil Seth’s explanation.

Are you able to support them? Hold your horses, everyone. You’re kidding, right? You’re all great. You may now reposition your drawings, tuck them in, and place them on the page. That was fantastic. They’re all bad, but they’re all fantastic. What makes them so special? Because you’ve all drawn a face. What you saw was what you drew. You didn’t sketch a face based on your imagination, did you? You’ve also just done something that very few people do. 

You just made personal eye-to-eye, face-to-face contact with someone for over a minute without shying away. You slowed down, paid attention, and looked carefully at someone while allowing them to look attentively at you as you drew. You did a fantastic job. Drawing like this, I’ve discovered, produces an instant connection like nothing else.

Alright. As a result, I refer to myself as a graphic journalist and an illustrator. I do drawings and tell tales. I spend time with folks who are interested in seeing and listening. And, like you, I combine the words of the individuals I meet with pictures that I create, primarily from life. Drawing like this can do a lot of things that photography can’t. 

So, how do you react when a camera is pointed at you? Isn’t it a little objectified? When I’m sketching, I keep my sketchbook low to keep a clear line of communication open between myself and the person I’m painting. Someone will often notice me drawing and become intrigued. The art of paying attention

They’ll approach me, and we’ll have a genuine chat. Let me give you an illustration. So I wanted to produce a drawn narrative on how the public library helps our seniors a while back. 

But after a few days of prowling about with a sketch pad, peering over elderly people’s shoulders and asking them what they were reading, I still didn’t understand it. Until I came upon Leah. Leah was the country’s first and only full-time social worker dedicated to a library at the time. It turns out that the public library is really helpful to our seniors. It is also a city’s social service hub.

Hello, my name is Charles. Leah is Charles’s coworker. He also conducts outreach to people who are homeless within the library. And he walked me about, and I had my sketch pad with me, and I was drawing everything I saw, and he showed me a library that was completely different from the ones I’d seen before. 

So computers that I imagined were for checking out books or checking emails turned out to be a lifeline for those seeking for work and accommodation. The public restroom sinks double as a Laundromat and showers for those sleeping on the street. Read – How do you speak and make people listen?

A library is a secure, quiet place where anybody may go to get information and relax for free. See, the moment I stopped seeking for the tale I anticipated to find, a different and more complex truth emerged. This has been my experience with everything and everyone I’ve ever sketched. So, like you, I take inspiration from life. 

So, in the back of a fancy Honda Element, I made myself a mobile studio so that I could drive anywhere, chat to anyone at any time, and then sketch, paint, and sleep in the back. It’s incredibly warm and inviting. 

I was driving across Utah, drawing and talking to people, when I came upon a hand-painted wooden sign on the side of the road. “Bootmaker,” it stated. 

I came to a halt. I was a sketchbook-carrying, jumpsuit-wearing, urban, lefty lesbian, smiling and waving like a dork, when a tall, white, handlebar mustache man wearing a cowboy shirt answered the door and discovered me, a sketchbook-carrying, jumpsuit-wearing, urban, lefty lesbian, smiling and waving like a fool.

When I saw the stuffed cougar on the wall behind him, I assumed I knew everything there was to know about Don the bootmaker. We were, however, present. So I asked him if he could show me a little bit about his trade fast. 

He concurred. And we ended up spending the entire day together, as I lured Don out of his workshop and he told me about his loving wife’s abrupt loss, his deep, deep sadness, and this hunting trip he was planning and looked forward to having with his son. The art of paying attention

Every tool in that store has a tale attached to it. And he was overjoyed to be able to share it with someone who was actually interested. Don and I looked completely different by the conclusion of the day. And this sketch, which appeared in my New York Times visual column – or, as Don likes to call it, the fake-news media – is now framed and displayed in his big game trophy room. 

So I was about to begin a new illustrated narrative when the epidemic struck. And, like so many others, I found myself unable to do my work overnight. My mum was the one who advised that I teach children to sketch.

Unique Creativity And The Art of Paying Attention

Children who were going to lose their routines, be stuck at home, and to assist parents in taking a much-needed rest. I’m now a social worker, but I’ve never taught children before. But the night before San Francisco’s school shutdown, I posted on Instagram that the next day we’d attempt something called Draw Together. 10:00 a.m. 

My sweet wife aimed an iPhone at me and hit “Go live” while I sat behind my drawing table in my home studio. And what I expected to be 100 students turned out to be 12,000! Everyone is keen to sketch a dog. Read -What is the unconscious mind?

14,000 kids showed up the next day, and we created a tree and conducted the sketching practice you all just completed. What was planned to be five minutes every day for five days turned into 30 minutes every day, five days a week, for months. And, yes, we discussed line and shape, as well as perspective, light, and shadow. But what was actually going on was that we were all actively seeking for a route out of a worldwide disaster. 

Drawing, as you can see, slows us slower. It keeps our hands moving, allowing us to pay attention to things we may otherwise overlook or neglect. Drawing is one of the most efficient methods for children to manage their emotions, even trauma, according to studies. The art of paying attention

It enables us to discuss difficult topics. In Draw Together, we say something that sounds corny but is real. Drawing is the act of seeing, and gazing is the act of loving. 

Drawing, if given the right supportive environment, can help kids let go of perfectionism and fear of failure so that, unlike you and me, and especially those of us who might have freaked out a little when I said we were going to draw, they, unlike you and me, can let go of perfectionism and fear of failure. We can let go of these more difficult self-judgments so that we don’t have to undo them later.

I don’t expect all of you to turn into drawers. But I am confident that all of us, children and adults alike, in this room, can improve our eye-hand coordination. This isn’t a face, after all. We miss out on all of the complexity and detail of the environment and people around us when we live like this drawing. 

This is a picture of a face. And here is a picture of a face. And it is a beautiful face. And these are people’s faces. I promise you’ll pay attention and look if you slow down. You’ll rediscover your passion for the world and everyone in it. And, after the previous several years, I believe we all need a chance to look at each other and ourselves more deeply and tell the truth about what we see. Please share this article with others.

Written By  HowNHowTo.Com Team

Pictures credit to pixabay.com – pexels.com



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