A hammering, throbbing headache. Bright zigzagging lines flash across your vision. Light sensitivity, residual weariness, and sleep disruption any of these symptoms might be caused by a migraine. While an incapacitating headache is one of the most prevalent migraine symptoms, the term “headache” does not adequately describe the full range of migraine symptoms. There are no two similar, and some do not even entail a headache. Related – High effective vitamins and nutrients needed for hair growth.
What Exactly is a Migraine?
So, What is going on in the brain to cause it? To trace the anatomy of a migraine, we must start in the days and hours before the attack, when sufferers frequently notice warning signals such as weariness or mood swings, bouts of yawning, sleep disturbance, nausea, light and sound sensitivity, or even increased thirst. These symptoms lead to a specific area of the brain: the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is generally in charge of the systems that cause these symptoms, such as our body’s internal hormonal balances, circadian cycles, and water regulation.
It has extensive connections across the brain and is more active than usual in the days preceding a migraine attack. The migraine aura, which can manifest as transitory visual abnormalities, tingling, or even difficulty speaking, is another prominent warning symptom. These feelings are caused by a shift in charge across cell membranes, which cause changes in brain activity and blood flow to propagate throughout the brain. We don’t know what causes this shift in charge, but it may travel swiftly over the brain’s surface, generating distinct aura symptoms depending on the afflicted location.
How Do Migraines Feel?
If it passes across the visual cortex, for example, an image or blind spot may extend across the visual field. The trigeminal nerve is important during the headache phase. Touch, temperature, and other sensations are generally transmitted from the skin to the majority of the face, a portion of the scalp, and some of the blood vessels and layers covering the cerebral cortex through the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve provides pain impulses once engaged. This pain pathway gets sensitive during a migraine, which means the threshold for causing pain is decreased. Related article – How to use Garcinia Cambogia for Weight Loss.
Coughing, leaning over, or exposure to light and sound, which are normally painless, might become painful. Migraines are as prevalent as they are different, affecting up to 33% of women and 13% of men in their lifetime. Even so, there’s a lot we don’t know about them. As we can see, migraine is a neurological illness that affects several regions of the brain, including the brainstem, cerebral hemispheres, and nerves. But we don’t know for sure what causes each phase, why some individuals get migraines but not others, why women get migraines more than men, or why people’s migraine patterns alter over time.
Hormonal changes are considered to have a role in some of these things: following menopause, when sex hormone swings are reduced, some women notice a large drop in migraine frequency. Meanwhile, these oscillations rise right before menopause, and some women have severe or new headaches. Migraine sufferers are more likely to develop depression, panic disorder, sleep difficulties, and strokes, among other conditions. Read – How To Recover From Illness Using Your Own Stem Cells.
The association between these disorders is likely complicated, indicating either the influence of migraine on those diseases or vice versa, or their similar genetic base. With a few exceptions, genetics almost probably have a role, but there is no specific gene that causes migraines. Certain genes regulate how easily our brain’s neurons are stimulated by external stimuli and how quickly they transmit unpleasant impulses.
It is believed that the neurons in migraine sufferers’ brains are more easily activated by external stimuli and are less likely to inhibit unpleasant signals. While there is no easy explanation for what occurs in our brains when we suffer from this complicated condition, one thing is certain: migraine is much more than a headache. Please share this article with others.
Written By HowNHowTo.Com Team
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biology, blood flow, brain, brain activity, brain stem, cerebral cortex, circadian rhythm, depression, headaches, Health, hormones, human body, human brain, hypothalamus, light sensitivity, migraine, migraine aura, migraine causes, migraine symptoms, migraines, migraines explained, migraines with aura, Science, sleep disorders, trigeminal nerve